
  • Usual weekday AM routine.
  • Consented to the consecration of the bishop-elect of Oklahoma (grateful that they found the technology to make this chore take place completely online). Shared some observations about the bishop-elect with the Standing Committee.
  • Traded emails with the Administrator on an HR issue.
  • Traded emails with the Communicator over some database issues.
  • Read and Facebook-shared the Covenant post for the day.
  • Passed on to Canon Evans a message from the "national church" office.
  • Brainstormed on finding someone to take over the task of coordinating the diocesan prayer calendar. After spending some time scouring the database, I ended up posting on the diocesan Facebook page soliciting volunteers.
  • Roughed out a project that The Living Church asked me to take on--a 1,000 word pamphlet on "Christmas joy," taking a break to lunch on leftovers. This project, in fact, consumed most of the rest of the productive time in the afternoon. Trying to hew to a word-count target makes writing more complicated.
  • Several emails traded with the Communicator over a range of issues.
  • Evening Prayer with Brenda.


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