
Up and out by 0830 to participate in Part II of the regular January meeting of the Province V bishops. I reflected on the amount of turnover there's been in that group since I first met with them in 2011, and the amount yet to come, with four of our number having "announced" and leading dioceses in transition. We were finished shortly after and I made may way back home (all of about 20 minutes by car--most of my colleagues were catching planes to go home) and had an early-ish lunch of leftover tacos. The priority for the afternoon was to cook up a big batch of jambalaya, so Brenda has something to eat over the weekend when I'm gone. But I also did some final prep for a "shooting" session tomorrow for another catechetical video, opened a sermon file on Lent V (St Michael's, O'Fallon (early start because of travel in February and March), and a handful of fairly minor administrative chores. Evening Prayer with Brenda.


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