The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple

Across the alley for Morning Prayer in the cathedral at 0645, then out of my office encampment and on the road southbound an hour later.  Pulled into the parking lot at Trinity, Mt Vernon right at my 10:00 target, thirty minutes ahead of their regular liturgy. Presided and preached for the feast of the Presentation (Candlemas). After a simple brunch I met with the entire congregation to talk about their future, since they are now without a priest at the helm. It was a fruitful conversation, and I believe the general level of anxiety was significantly lower when I left than when I arrived. The next few months will be challenging, and we all agreed that grace will abound and, together, we can get through it.  I then met with the Mission Leadership Team for a bit of a deeper dive into the financial condition of the parish. By 1:20, I was headed toward I-57 northbound and the four-and-a-half hour drive back home to Chicago.


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