
  • Usual early AM routine.
  • Took an unanticipated phone call, which provoked another one, over a serious pastoral-administrative matter.
  • Conceived and hatched a homily for a preaching gig at Nashotah House on March 5. This took a while.
  • Lunched on leftovers.
  • Tried to wrap my mind around possible travel itineraries for July, when we will be paying a (fairly brief) visit to our companion diocese of Tabora (Tanzania), then heading to Canterbury for the Lambeth Conference. The details made my head swim, and the matter is still in flux.
  • Attended to a matter tangentially related to the subject of the morning phone calls.
  • Built out my homiletical message statement for the First Sunday in Lent (Holy Trinity, Danville) into a developed sermon outline.
  • Prepared service sheets for the two celebrations of the Eucharist at next week's clergy retreat.
  • Reviewed the file of information from an individual seeking to enter the ordination process.
  • Evening Prayer with Brenda.


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