Friday (Theodore James Holley)

Never in my more than 68 years have there been so many successive days so full of surprises. Iconic cultural and sporting events canceled and venues closed, schools closed, and now even whole dioceses calling off Sunday worship. Few among us would have thought any of this possible even earlier this week. The ground seems to shift from one hour to the next. I have made the decision to direct churches in the Diocese of Springfield to adhere to normal Sunday worship, with several precautions to preserve public health. (See the diocesan website for these guidelines.) Many of my colleague bishops are doing something similar; others are much more cautious. So, when my time wasn't being consumed by attention to these things, my emotional energy was, almost non-stop. In the midst of all this, I devoted most of my morning to an appointment with a foot doctor, following up on the initial I received over last weekend after falling while leaving the house a week ago. Doctor, then away to the lab for an X-ray, then back to the doctor. The sad upshot is that I'm stuck in an unwieldy boot for the next several weeks, as the images revealed two small fractures, and putting any weight on the foot impedes healing. So I'm deprived of my only real form of exercise. I need to take u0 swimming, Much of the afternoon was devoted to writing an article for the next issue of the Springfield Current, due to come out around Easter. I also worked my way through a stack of other deferred tasks, pastoral and administrative. Evening Prayer with Brenda. In deference to social distancing, we ordered dinner delivered.


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