Tuesday (John & Charles Wesley)

  • Usual early AM routine.
  • Took Brenda to a doctor's appointment.
  • Exchanged several emails with Chris Simpson, whom we are ordaining to the transitional diaconate on Saturday, nailing down details of the liturgy.
  • Made an appointment with the Apple "Genius Bar" for later in the day. My laptop's display is starting to wig out, and it seems prudent to nip this in the bud.
  • Communicated with our Nashotah seminarians toward the end of setting on one-on-one time with each of them when I'm on campus the day after tomorrow to preach.
  • Reached out by phone to a priest of the diocese who has recently suffered the death of a close relative.
  • Lunched on leftovers.
  • Got to work on finishing my next-due post for the Covenant blog, which I began last week.
  • Headed down via the Brown Line to the Apple Store in Lincoln Park. As I expected, my MacBook Pro needed to be sent to the shop. The good news is that it's still under warranty.
  • Once back home, I had to resurrect the old MacBook, which has been out of action for 17 months, and had to spend a chunk of time getting it reconfigured and operational.
  • After dinner, finally finished and submitted the Covenant post. Feels lie a day lost to technology. A necessary evil.


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