Thursday (James Lloyd Breck)

Much of the morning was consumed by discussions with the family with whom Brenda and I share a building about how I might approach the responsibilities of my ministry between Palm Sunday and Easter. It had seems prudent to me--an acceptably low risk--to travel to Springfield and be part of the live-streamed liturgies at the cathedral, with only about four people in a large church with circulating air, maintaining a ten-foot distance. It was my fervent hope. My children disagreed with my assessment of the risk. For the sake of these important relationships, I made the decision to stand down, and, with great sadness, informed the Dean. 

I went on, then, to record on video my regular midweek greeting to the diocese. I ran into some unexpected technical glitches, so the whole effort of recording, editing, and posting ran well into the afternoon. Some of that involved waiting for stuff to upload, so I able to proofread the draft of the next issue of the Springfield Current, and get back to Hannah with some tweaks, while this was happening. Spoke by phone with three parish priests of the diocese, and the rector of my DEPO parish, just to keep in touch pastorally during what has been dubbed "coronatide." Caught up on some Covenant blog reading. Refurbished a "vintage" Easter sermon text for use ... via video recording ... this year. Prayed the evening office with Brenda.


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