
  • Usual early AM routine.
  • Created a meeting on Zoom for Friday morning, and sent the link to the trustees of the diocese (and our investment advisor).
  • Attended to a significant bit of Communion Partners business, creating future scheduled actions.
  • Got to work building out my homiletical message statement for Easter VII into a developed outline.
  • Took a break from this to lunch on leftovers.
  • Continued and completed the sermon task I had begun.
  • Hosted a one-hour Zoom meeting of clergy from the Hale and Eastern deaneries.
  • Took a long and aggressive walk.
  • Processed some emails (some in response to the Zoom meeting), surveyed the COVID-19 landscape (the most recent developments are pretty dreadful and discouraging) since I'm fielding more and more questions about whether and how to re-engage public worship.
  • Evening Prayer with Brenda.


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