St Barnabas

Big stuff:

  • Attended (online) the annual meeting of the Nashotah House corporation.
  • Developed my homiletical message statement for Proper 8 (June 28 either at or for St Michael's, O'Fallon) into an outline from which a draft text can be written.
  • Made significant progress prepping appointments to diocesan offices that I will need to make at synod, as well as making. sure we have at least one person. to. run for each of the elected offices.
  • Puzzled through logistics or receiving a priest into TEC from the ACNA.

Smaller stuff:

  • More regathering implementation conversations
  • Three substantive phone conversations with clergy.

Throughout the day--attended to the smoking of a brisket on the Big Green Egg that turned our extremely well. All three households in the building were well-fed at dinnertime.


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