Trinity Sunday

After devotions, intercessions, and Morning Prayer in the cathedral, I broke camp in my office in time to be on the road at 0745, and after a stop at Hardee's for a chicken biscuit, headed east to Mattoon, arriving at Trinity Church on Trinity Sunday about 25 minutes ahead of their regular 10:00 celebration of the Eucharist. We were about seven over the ten-person rule but well under the 25% of capacity standard--masked and not singing (though the organ did play at times,  so there was a bit of the feel of "real church." After a few minutes with their Mission Leadership Team's regular meeting--members spread throughout the nave, masked--I headed. up I-57 and arrived home at 2:45, well in time to clean out my email inbox and enjoy a long walk with Brenda before "dining" on popcorn.


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