Tuesday (St Clare)


  • Created a Zoom meeting for Diocesan Council on Saturday and sent out the link.
  • Responded to an email from the senior warden of one of our Eucharistic Communities.
  • Dealt with an emergent administrative issue, hopefully in a dispositive way.
  • Did the first bit of planning for the synod Mass (which will be closed and live-streamed from the cathedral). We will be observing the (unofficial for Episcopalians) feast of the Holy Guardian Angels on October 2.
  • Made a pastoral check-in by phone with one of our priests.
  • Substantive phone conversation with Canon Evans.
  • Wrote and sent an Ad Clerum (letter to the clergy, this time only those is active parochial ministry), wherein I devolved the question of congregation singing to the local level, with certain restrictions.


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