Thursday (St Aelred)

  • Customary Thursday morning weights and treadmill, with the treadmill portion extended once again to about 90 minutes. 
  • Left the house around 9:50. Morning Prayer (memorized short form) in the car on the way in. Brief devotions in the cathedral when I got there.
  • Clarified a couple of small administrative matters ... with the Administrator.
  • Spoke by phone with two of our priests--both over concerns that could be broadly described as "pastoral."
  • Took a first prayerful pass at the readings for Epiphany VII in preparation for preaching at St Thomas', Salem on February 19. Made some notes. Now it percolates in my heart and mind, under the guidance, one hopes. of the Holy Spirit.
  • Lunch from McD's, eaten at home.
  • Hand-wrote several notes of greeting to clergy and clergy spouses with February birthdays and anniversaries. I hope it's really true that "it's the thought that counts," because my handwriting is not going to win any awards for elegance of legibility.
  • Left on the early side, around 4:00, to attend to some personal business.
  • Evening Prayer at home.


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