Tuesday in Holy Week

  • Weekly/daily task planning at home; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Did just a little bit of desk-straightening; it's gotten rather out of hand.
  • Reviewed the mockup of the next issue of the Springfield Current. Made a small tweak.
  • Worked via email with the ad editor of The Living Church, coordinating some adjustments to the dioceses "sponor's column" in an upcoming issue.
  • Wrote an email to a lay communicant who had written me a rather detailed letter that I read last week.
  • Got to work on a long-term "archival" scanning project. (Not diocesan archives, per se, but personal papers related to my ministry.)
  • Attended the midday Mass for Tuesday in Holy Week in the cathedral chapel.
  • Lunch from HyVee (Chinese), eaten at hope.
  • Continued with the scanning project, finishing the chunk I had bitten off.
  • Performed major surgery on the text of an old Maundy Thursday homily. The illustrations from contemporary culture were no longer ... contemporary. Walked across the alley and talked it over with the Dean.
  • Did some reconstructive surgery on the liturgy program for the cathedral Easter Vigil, in view of the fact that we have no baptisms this year, but we do have confirmations and receptions.
  • Massaged a sermon text for Easter from a prior year for use this weekend. It didn't require "surgery," just some relatively minor tweaks.
  • Reviewed and approved a marital judgment petition. It was actually one of the most exemplary of the genre that I have ever seen.
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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