All Saints

  • Up and out and on the road southbound at 0530. Walked into the office right at 0900 (having stopped at McD's in Pontiac to grab a bite, and being delayed slightly by a phone call just as I arrived).
  • Checked in for a bit with the Administrator. Debriefed on the usual "range of issues" with the Archdeacon.
  • Triaged my email and created several new tasks.
  • Planned and prioritized my work for the day.
  • Stepped across the alley and conferred with the Dean on a couple of things.
  • Culled the accumulated hard copy items on my desk.
  • Got on Facebook to share a link to this morning's Forward Day by Day meditation. I am the author for the entire month of November.
  • Did the finish work on my homily for this Sunday (to be delivered at All Saints', Morton).
  • Out to Chick-Fil-A for lunch.
  • Met with the better part of two hours with the  postulant whom I am tutoring in liturgy. Third session of an eventual probable six.
  • Pretty much devoted the rest of the afternoon to preparing the liturgy leaflet for the clergy conference. It's not artful or elegant, but it will get the job done. It mostly went smoothly, but that sort of thing is very time-consuming, especially given that I'm quite out of practice in formatting and producing that kind of hard-copy output. 
  • Lectio divina on the Hebrews reading for All Saints in the office lectionary.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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