Visitation (& Corpus Christi)
Customary Thursday morning weights and treadmill workout. Short-form MP in the car. At the office around 10. Took a substantive phone call from one of our rectors. Attended to some aspects of preparation for the impending visit to the diocese of the Bishop of Tabora and his wife. Responded to an email from a priest outside the diocese inquiring about possible opportunities. Placed a semi-emergency call to a tree service. There was a substantial limb down in our front yard this morning. Got to work developing a developed outline for a sermon on Proper 5 (June 10 in O'Fallon) into a rough draft. Lunch at home. Leftovers. Back to the sermon work, bringing it to completion by mid-afternoon. Wrote and sent an endorsement blurb for Tom Bair, an actor who is trying to develop a head of steam for his one-man show that consists of a dramatic recitation of the entire Gospel of Mark. Moved the ball downfield on a paradigm-shifting Christian formation project I'm working on. Spe...