Morning Prayer in the cathedral. As the Archdeacon has now returned from his study time in Oxford, and as my own vacation begins tomorrow, we had a substantial amount to talk about, mostly by way of "hand off." Hand-wrote a couple of dozen notes to clergy and spouses having August birthdays and anniversaries. Picked up three chicken tacos from La Bamba ("burritos as big as your head") and brought them home to eat. Had a detailed speaker phone conversation (with the Archdeacon participating) with Fred Vallowe, Mission Warden at St James' in McLeansboro. Stay tuned for news of some rather happy developments of the win-win variety. Wrote an Ad Clerum (letter to the clergy) covering sundry issues. It should go out by email tomorrow. Evening Prayer in the office. My vacation begins tomorrow. Brenda and I will be spending some time out west, visiting with members of both our families, and taking in some of the natural wonders of Washington's Olympic Peni...